The Zen Teacher Self-Care Solution
Reduce Your Stress and Improve Your Self-Care (Formerly Self-Care Starter Kit & Self-Care 101)
Enroll in Course
You've worked all day in the classroom with other people's children, you have to pick your own kids up from practice at 5, you're so exhausted you're wondering how you're ever going to make dinner without falling asleep in the mac and cheese, and then you get to the parking lot and notice the flat tire. And all you can think about is the HUGE stack of papers waiting to be graded.
Ever been there? Yeah. Me, too.
Everyone has moments of feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, overscheduled, and overburdened. But not everyone knows how to deal with those feelings or how to minimize them or how to eliminate some of them completely.
That’s where this course comes in.
An individualized self-care plan can transform your life by showing you how to create the habits that reduce stress and improve your sense of peace and equanimity.
Your transformation will include learning:
- Keys to self-care
- The importance of rituals
- A mini-mantra meditation
- The connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit
- How to evaluate your own self-care needs
- How to complete a self-care checklist
- Intentional and Radical Self-Care
- Digital Detox
- Mindfulness
- Stress Reduction Breathing
- Bonus video: Permission
- Bonus video: Gratitude
These lessons teach you how to recognize your feelings of stress, how to move forward with a greater sense of peace, and how to start working on a personalized self-care plan that you can turn to when things get crazy.
The Zen Teacher Self-Care Solution contains FOURTEEN video lessons and two in-depth workbooks. Each lesson covers a single, introductory concept you can use to get you thinking about how to reduce your stress, increase the quality of your self-care, and improve your overall sense of personal well-being.
1. Lifetime access to course videos and workbook.
2. Automatic opt-in to the Zen Teacher Academy mailing list (unsubscribe at any time).
3. An introduction to self-care practices that will result in a calmer, happier YOU!
Students who enroll in The Zen Teacher Self-Care Solution also get a 75-page PDF eBook entitled 2-Minute Zen: Creating a More Mindful Self-Care Practice.
2-Minute Zen contains over 30 of the most popular posts on my blog, The Zen Teacher, including 5 posts that have never been seen anywhere else.
The posts in this publication are brief reminders of how to live a more Mindful life that is centered on tranquility and personal Self-Care. Beautiful and inspirational photos are also sprinkled throughout the book.
Posts in 2-Minute Zen include:
- How to focus on what’s really important
- The “antidote” to stress
- Why simplicity is hard, but critical
- 3 Steps to a more Peaceful Life
- 21 Ways to be Mindful from your house to your car
- The benefits of Silence
- 25 Roads to Self-Care
(I've always wanted to say that. . .)
Enrolled students also get access to a 16 slide PowerPoint presentation called "How to Be a Zen Teacher."
The "How to Be a Zen Teacher" Power Point presentation is a distillation of my popular workshop that I give around the United States.
And it's all included in The Zen Teacher Self-Care Solution for one low price!
"Thank you for making me feel acknowledged as an educator. It's like being given permission to breathe."
--Monica T., high school English teacher
Course Curriculum
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Dan Tricarico. I'm author of The Zen Teacher: Creating Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility in the Classroom (DBC, Inc. 2015) and Sanctuaries: Self-Care Secrets for Stressed Out Teachers (DBC, 2018). As a high school teacher, I got to a point in my career where I was not only watching excellent teachers around me crash and burn, melt down, and leave the profession, but I was facing certain burnout myself. I had to do something. So I developed The Zen Teacher 5 Step Blueprint and started helping teachers reduce their stress and improve their self-care. But then I realized that the concepts I was teaching worked for EVERYONE! Since using these methods, not only have I renewed my love for teaching, but I no longer worry if I'll make it to retirement. I have learned not only how to survive, but thrive both inside and outside the classroom. In my spare time, I enjoy writing fiction, listening to music (especially Roots Rock and The Blues), reading mystery novels, staring out of windows, and watching movies. One of my first loves is writing poetry, and I have published many poems both in print and on-line.
"Why are you in my head? [This message] has had a huge impact on my life."
--Theresa H., elementary school teacher